Alfred University News


Two longtime employees—Mark Lewis, College of Business dean, and Mary McAllister, 在周四(5月9日)晚的校董会晚宴上获得表彰. The University’s athletics program, 在傍晚早些时候举行的撒克逊山体育中心奠基仪式之后, was also highlighted.

Lewis, a native of nearby Almond, 2010年来到在线赌博,担任商学院的兼职讲师, 在他从纽约证券交易所退休之后, where he had served 13 years. Prior to the NYSE, Lewis spent 20 years in the U.S. Air Force, retiring in 1997 as a lieutenant colonel.

In 2012, 刘易斯被任命为当时的商学院的临时院长, and was named dean shortly after, 当时学校恢复为商学院. While Lewis is stepping down as dean, effective June 30, 他将继续担任金融学和分析学副教授. An avid outdoorsman, 他将继续担任大学拥有的福斯特湖娱乐区的管家.

“马克·刘易斯体现了我们的三个关键优势:交叉点, mentorship, and inclusivity,” Mark Zupan, University president, commented. 他指出,在刘易斯的指导下,学院取得了一些成就:增加了马术商业管理和数据与商业分析的学位课程, 以及开发新的体验式学习机会. “It has been a joy to have Mark as a colleague.”


Zupan cited McAllister’s “dedication, the long hours she puts in, 以及她获胜的态度”,以表彰她对学校的贡献.

woman and man standing by podium
Mary McAllister (right), corporate secretary at Alfred University, is shown here with Mark Zupan, University president, during Thursday’s Board of Trustees dinner. 在哈佛大学工作了24年之后,麦卡利斯特将于7月31日正式退休.

“Thank you so much. 我真的很喜欢和你们每一个人一起工作,”麦卡利斯特评论道. “I will miss you.”


商学院院长遴选委员会包括罗伯特·斯坦(Robert Stein), dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Halil Zaim, associate professor of management; Theresa Gunn ‘’96, MBA ‘’98, 会计学副教授,副院长, College of Business; and Angie Taylor, chief diversity officer. 协助搜寻的理事包括玛丽安·盖奇,小特里·加拉尼斯., William Giles ’81, and Patricia St. George.

表演艺术系副院长遴选委员会包括布莱恩·沙利文, dean of Libraries; Kevin Kolton Bradley, assistant professor of theater; Zach Hamm, Clinical Associate Professor of theater design and technical director; and Sarah Love, director of enrollment operations, Division of Enrollment Management.

During the dinner, 该大学在晚宴上展示了其体育项目, 播放撒克逊人运动队的精彩视频. Earlier in the day, ground was broken on the Saxon Hill Sports Complex, 阿尔弗雷德镇杰里科山上一座价值3000万美元的体育设施. Construction on the facility— home to the baseball, men’s and women’s rugby, 还有男女越野赛和户外田径队, 此外,一支新的曲棍球队将于今年夏初开始,并将于2025年秋季完工. 该计划预计将在未来六年内增加170名学生,并提高学生留校率.

撒克逊山的3000万美元费用将由超过1000万美元的慈善捐赠来支持, 受托人在项目获得最终批准之前所要求的门槛.

“Today is a momentous day,” Zupan said. “We as a University have challenges we deal with. 撒克逊山事件给了我们极大的信心. The team came together to realize this important goal.”

“What an accomplishment for the University,” said Lee James, a staff member for Congressman Nick Langworthy, representative of the 23rd Congressional district of New York State. “(撒克逊山)综合体将是未来几年的主题, for recruitment and for the entire area.”

Deb Steward, associate vice president for Student Experience, Athletics, and Recreation, 谈到了2023- 2024年体育项目的一些成就.

全年有近500名学生运动员参加比赛, and more than 50 of them accumulated a perfect 4.0 grade point average. 该系发起了一项体育学术成功计划, headed by Nicole Bernsen, 橄榄球项目的新主管兼女子橄榄球总教练. The inaugural Saxon Day of Giving, held in March, raised $142,000 for athletics, with more than 1,200 individual gifts. 赢得帝国8会议冠军的球队是女子网球和女子排球, 而男子和女子室内和室外田径队则获得了10个个人和团体冠军. 拉拉队首次参加了全国锦标赛, 马术队的四名队员参加了全国马术比赛.

斯图尔德还指出,垒球队正在参加帝国8冠军赛. 约翰·费舍,一直持续到周六,在线赌博毕业典礼那天. 垒球教练卢克·韦斯内斯基问斯图尔德是否缺球, 他可以为他的五名大四学生安排一场10分钟的毕业典礼,因为他们周六还在参加比赛.

“马克(祖潘)召集了部队,我们在加拉尼斯竞技场举行了一个小型毕业典礼,”斯图尔德说. 祖潘发表了一些评论,董事会主席卡罗琳·克拉克(Carolyn Clark)颁发了证书. “This is our Alfred University leadership; this is why I am here.”